Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Roll up, roll up at the one-stop-shop for your future fame and fortune!
Get involved, get trained and get a better job! It's that easy ;-)

From the 24th September the IPA will be running the Creative Services training programme and there's something for pretty much everyone.

Our business is changing by the day and these short courses will help make you future-proof, ready for anything, the multi-channel super-producer we all hear so much about.

Each session is a bite-size three hours long and costs just £150 per person (it's cheaper if you come along to all the sesions, btw).

Here's a taste of what's on offer, so have a look, get badgering your CSD/HR for a few quid to make you a more productive member of staff and then deluge Anna Beeton at the IPA with your requests for places and more info (annab@ipa.co.uk).

- Online marketing explained (inc platforms; agency structure; jargon-busting; the best of the web)
- Producing online communication (inc timings; costs; how to monetise production)
- Becoming a better project manager (inc latest trends in PM; agency finance/business;campaign management software)
- Really understanding production (inc asset management software;decoupling; procurement; media co relations)
- Managing relationships, conflict resolution and negotiation
- An introduction to Creative Services for junior CS and Acc Managers (inc agency structure; process; jargon-busting; best practice; making stuff happen)

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