Thursday, 28 July 2011

Dutch Football Federation T-shirts

Now this is COOL. A simple why-did-I-not-think-of-that idea.
Dutch Football Federation - 2010 FIFA World Cup T-shirt.
Advertising School: Willem de Kooning Academie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Creatives: Bas van de Poel, Daan van Dam
Seen at

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Web Design Basics

I thought I would do a post on the course I did last week at the University of Middlesex Summer School.

As we all do, I wanted to learn more about digital, and not just the social media stuff but the actual foundations of what is online. Way back when I was a spring chicken and first starting out I decided that the best way to understand and manage artwork was to learn how to do it, so I put myself on a Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop course. Now, my skills are very basic but at least I understand what needs to be done and how, makes my job easier. I figured it was the same for web.

On this course I learned how to code HTML and how CSS works. The course was just what I needed, the room was 50/50 split with young kids (twentysomethings) and older - the oldest bloke looked like he was in his sixties, good for him I thought!

The first two and a half days was pure HTML, headings, breaks, links etc, then we got onto CSS - all the while actually doing things, practicing. The last 2 days was spent learning more things - rollover banners, animated gifs, colours (or colors as the code was done by Americans), and buiding our websites. I am pleased to say I am still working on mine, I am not changing careers but I may well do it as a hobby, something to do on a rainy day to keep up my knowledge.

It is only run once a year and there is only one class so look out for next years, sign up.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

USA Facebook/Passport figures

Interesting post on The Wall about hte number of Americans on Facebook compared with those with passports. Like the Jennifer Whitehead, I had heard the passport figure was around 5%. the figures are interesting.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

GOAB - then end of TV? Or a new begining?

GOAB. A TV Experience Concept from Syzygy on Vimeo.

I heard about GOAB today, not quite sure what I think about it; it's exciting but also a little scary - 'What if... your remote control knows you? And your social network?'

Don't get me wrong, I love this stuff, I just worry about privacy. How much of me is in the internet? Can I control it?

'Interactive' Outdoor in Amsterdam

Artis babyboom from Dawn Amsterdam on Vimeo.

Dawn in Amsterdam have done this really sweet outdoor campaign for Artis - the Zoo in Amsterdam.
The posters are made up of stickers that can be removed like kids sticker books and placed all over the city. Watch the film.
It's a great display of how you can still have interactivity in 'traditional' media.

I saw this on Advertblog.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Natwest floor stickers at Marylebone Station

I noticed these Natwest floor stickers at Marylebone station this morning. I am usually on my scooter so I don't see stuff like this much.
It really grabbed my attention. It is often the most simple ideas that are most effective.
I was changing song on my iPhone and one of the stickers caight my eye and first glance I thought it was a real wallet, I then looked around to see all the other wallets/purses and cards on the floor and then the information block.
Good work whoever did it.